
Commissions and Committees

Established by and report to the Executive, which also is responsible for appointing a Convenor and determining their roles and responsibilities.

Commissions deal with long-term, on-going aspects of the Federation’s activities whereas Committees are established for a period not exceeding four years to carry out specific tasks on behalf of the Federation such as conference organisation.

  1. Each Commission has a budget administered by the ASF Treasurer. Expenses are reimbursed upon presentation of receipts or other documentation. The Executive may require expenditure in excess of a specified amount to be approved in advance.
  2. Convenors with long reports and/or complex issues to bring to the attention of the Federation are strongly encouraged to circulate discussion papers during the year.
  3. The Convenor shall prepare an annual report consisting of:
    1. A summary of the Commission’s activities for the previous year and proposed for the following year, including any recommended actions or motions.
    2. A proposal for any funds required
  4. The report should be of minimal length, not more than one page. Copies of the report shall be provided to the President, Treasurer and Secretary by September 30 to facilitate auditing and preparation of the ASF’s Annual Report and Budget.